Sunday, January 18, 2009

Surgeon General's Report

A few things I want to clear up and put out there before I begin posting nostalgia:

  1. I can assure you, everything I post here is completely true except maybe for the above warning. You should not get gum disease or tooth loss from reading this product. However, it is still to be determined.
  2. I will not use any real names without permission from the particular individual(s) when discussing something embarrassing, distasteful, or basically anything that could potentially lose said person a job if their name was Googled and discovered on this site by a potential employer. For example, if you pooped your pants while at an underage drinking party (two no-no's), I will probably refrain from using your name. Unless of course you'd like to be identified...George.
  3. I will jump all over the place. Nostalgia works in funny ways and there's no telling where my brain will take me. One day I could write about me being bed ridden for an entire day because I swallowed a penny; and the next day I could write about how I used to secretively put meat in the vegetarian kid's lunch all throughout middle school. I think the jumping around will make it more interesting for you, the readers.
  4. Some stories may flat out suck because they are unfunny, unorganized, and lack any sort of theme. Some stories I post will have a nice tied up ending and others will just be loose rants. Sorry.
  5. Leave comments. There's nothing better than to know people are reading and interested. Tell me what's good, what's not so good (in a nice way) and what you think. If you have a story, relevant or even completely unrelated, post it to the comments section. Please do not leave unintelligent messages such as, "You're a fag," or "you're the Detroit Lions of the blogosphere." Thanks.
Now sit back, put your hand in your pants, eat some Doritos, and enjoy "The Chronicles of Nostalgia."

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